Monday, February 29th, 2016 6:44pm

Major Arcana

The Wheel of Fortune is a most excellent card indicating that prosperity and personal growth are heading your way as a result of things that you have personally set into motion, even if you are not entirely sure what you have done to get the process going—you might have started a new job or course of study, moved to a new neighborhood, met a new person, mended an old relationship, had a chance encounter, or changed a mindset. Perhaps you have ended a relationship, quit a job, kicked a habit, gotten a pet, or helped someone in need. Whatever you have done, the wheel is now turning and what has been set in motion is now rolling your way. You may need to make an important decision or just go with the flow, whichever the case, the outcome is considered favorable. This card almost always heralds good fortune with circumstances that will quite literally change your life!

Many times the readee will know exactly what is underway, for he
or she has been working diligently to get an endeavor off the ground—starting their own business, mending their ways, living life to a higher expectation, etc. When the Wheel of Fortune appears, take a sigh of relief! Your efforts are paying off! Keep up the good work! More is coming your way!


When the Wheel of Fortune appears reversed, you have ideas and goals in mind but are experiencing snags and hindrances in the material world. You are not making the necessary movements to “get the ball rolling” in the needed direction; you might even be making excuses for yourself such as that other people or circumstances are impeding you, or that this is not the right time to act.

Although waiting for the right time to act is often the right course of action, this is not the case with the reversed Wheel of Fortune. In the reversed position, the Wheel of Fortune indicates that you are responsible for the stagnation in your current endeavor with the root cause being fear. Fear is one of the most powerful motivators in our human existence, having the ability to both rally us to incredible feats, as well as being able to render us completely immobile. When this card appears reversed, it’s not the external fears of life such as food and shelter that are causing the problem; it’s the internal fears that we all must face…fear of failure, fear of disapproval, fear of the unknown. With the Wheel of Fortune reversed you are being called to quit dragging your feet and face your fears!

Fears come in all shapes and sizes and are as personal as they are numerous:

*Fear of confrontation or rocking the boat makes us hold back true thoughts. (When in reality, true thoughts might be exactly what the situation calls for.)

*Fear of rejection or disapproval can keep us from being ourselves. (But at what cost? Whose approval is so important to us? Does living the lie feel better than living the truth?)

*Fear of being alone can keep some of us clinging to a dead relationship—the terror of coming home to an empty house outweighing the heavy heart of our day-to-day unhappiness. (Even though in reality, we are already living alone, just in the presence of someone else.)

*Fear of failure keeps us from trying all manner of things. Rather than appear foolish in front of loved ones and/or the world at large, we sometimes feel it’s safer to sit back and stick to the things we “know,” forgetting all the while that our present knowledge has come from years of experiences and plain old ‘trial and error.’ (Failure is sometimes inevitable, but the learning opportunity it provides is worth its weight in gold. Failure is a necessary learning tool that teaches us what works and what doesn’t. The shame that comes with failure is, I feel, ill-placed by a society that cannot live up to its own standards.)

*And then there is the all-encompassing fear of the “unknown.” Not knowing what is around the next corner keeps many of us ‘playing it safe.’ (“I hate my job, but what if I change jobs and hate my new one even more?” or “I have always wanted to write (sing / dance / explore), but what if I am no good (get laryngitis / twist an ankle / come down with malaria)?”)

The list of fears goes on and on. When we boil it down, we can connect almost any negative action, reaction,
or inaction to a human fear. When the Wheel of Fortune appears reversed, you are being alerted that you are standing in the way of your own success. Knowingly or not, you are allowing your personal fears to dictate your actions (or inactions, as the case may be). Your personal fears are keeping you from the prosperity and happiness that are available to you. When this extremely positive card appears reversed, it’s time to ask yourself, “What am I really afraid of?” and go from there.

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